Thinking about taking a plane ride with younger kids can be a bit daunting, but it's actually quite doable. My husband and I recently traveled across the US with our baby and almost four year old. Logistically it can be a nightmare but with clear organization you can make the process move as smoothly as possible on your end by following these simple tips:
Days Before the Flight
1. When scheduling a flight, select a direct route when possible. The least amount of transitions the better, for small kids. Also, if you would like to pay a small expense select the Early Board option. We used this option with American Airlines and will be doing so again. It allowed us time to get the kids and all carry-on's in position before others came to the section we sat in.2. Book your seats together and close to a restroom, if possible. In addition, if you and your family won't be taking up an entire row try to have seats that are near the aisle. This will allow for easier access to restrooms for a potty training toddler or a baby that needs to have a diaper change. If you aren't able to get your seats together, you could always ask someone to switch seats. Chances are they will be more than obliged so that you can eliminate any distraction you may cause them.
The Day Before the Flight
1. Have all important papers and flight documents in location ready to go.2. Determine the route you will take to get to the airport the day of.
3. Prepare carry on bags including an activity bag for the toddler and a baby diaper bag. Do keep in mind that each person flying gets a carry on. Be mindful of the size.
4. Load your car with the luggage you plan to take on your trip. Remember less is more.
5. Prep all needed toiletry items and clothes that you will need for the morning of. Having everything laid out in place can help you all move more efficiently and get out the door faster.
6. Get the kids to bed early and/or at a time frame that will provide them with plenty of rest for a busy day.
7. Set at least two alarms. Plan for a set time that will give you and your family enough time to get ready and get to the airport with time to spare. In addition, build in extra time for the baby soiling his diaper and clothes just as you are walking out the door, the toddler needs to take another trip to the potty etc. Plan for a hiccup.
San Diego, CA Airport |
The Day of your Flight
1. Arrive at least 2 hours early to allow for time to check in, go through baggage claim and travel to the appropriate gate. In addition, this can leave room for a food run and restroom breaks.2. If traveling with at least two adults, then tag team. Have one adult check in and turn in checked bags while the other watches the kids. Once complete, go to security check- in for carry-on's. Just as an FYI, you can keep your stroller up until you board the plane. We did and it helped a ton.
3. Next, find your gate and terminal that you and your family will be departing from. Then, barring no airline delays that occurred with check-in you should have time to shop, grab a bite to eat, or head to the restrooms a time or two. Sit back, relax and get ready for a great flight.
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